If you are searching for How to publish a research paper in Scopus then this article will be a complete guide for you. Here you will get all information regarding the publishing a research paper in Scopus indexed journal in simple steps.
If you are a new researcher or then you must have heard the term Scopus several times from your friends, colleagues, and guides. Scopus is one of the best Indexing agencies having more than 43500 of Highly reputed and quality journals, periodicals, and scientific literature.
Scopus Indexed journals are preferred worldwide by universities and institutions. The Journals are referred by global researchers and scientists for advanced research.
How to publish a research paper in Scopus Indexed Journals?
The publication procedure remains almost the same for every journal. Here are the major steps you can follow.
- Search for a suitable journal from the Scopus Database.
- Prepare your paper according to the journal’s terms and conditions along with the template.
- Keep the plagiarism low
- Submit the paper online or by email
- Wait for the notification and review the result.
- If accepted, submit the Copyright form and other documents asked by the Journal editor
- Paper gets published after some time.
This procedure remains the same for every journal
Search for a suitable journal from the Scopus Database.
Everyone wants to be recognized by eminent subject experts and colleagues in their professions, therefore getting their research work and papers published in Scopus indexed journals is their top priority. Getting a successful research publication is the first step. Search the Scopus databases and construct a list of all appropriate journals where you can publish their research article or paper.
This is what is meant by “Scopus indexed journals.” So You can search the Scopus Indexed Journals here.
Here is The best way to find Scopus indexed journals list
The factors that should be considered while choosing the journal is
The language of the Journal(Choose the English as most preferable)
- Publication model(Open access or Subscription-based)
- Publication cost. (Open access has the publication cost involved. Whether the journal charges publishing, registration, or any other hidden fees)
- Publication duration
- Indexing of the Journal
- Journal’s Impact factor and other metrics
Now you may easily choose which is the best Journal publication to submit your research paper in by weighing where each of the shortlisted journals from the list that was created earlier stands.
Prepare your paper.
After identifying the appropriate journal based on your subject now it’s time to prepare your research paper.
To begin, read the terms and conditions of the publication you have chosen to publish your work in order to obtain a clear grasp of them.
You will find multiple journals that fit these requirements after conducting such searches, which they can then add to their list of possible Scopus-indexed journals to publish their paper in.
Cite the papers properly and add in the reference you have taken.

Keep the plagiarism low
Plagiarism plays an important role in journal publications. Most the Publishers look for the Originality of the paper. So as an author you need to keep plagiarism very low.
You can choose the best software like Turnitin to check the plagiarism.
Submit the paper online or by email
Now, most Journal publications house accept papers through online portals or email IDs. You can check the “Submit paper” menu on the journal’s website and click on it.
Make sure you submit it in the right format. Doc or PDF.
Some journal accepts Abstract only before asking for the full paper.
Along with the Paper, you need to prepare a Cover Letter. This is a formal letter to the editor-in-chief of the Scopus-indexed journal that one is applying.
This cover letter should provide information on the following topics:
- Why the proposed research work is important to the field,
- What problems it has resolved,
- Why the findings are extremely important to the discipline’s future,
- What makes the research methodologies used highly unique, unusual, genuine, etc.
Wait for the notification and review the result.
After submission, your paper gets the initial review status. The initial review is done within 2 to 10 days where the editor checks the scope and the subject that matches the journal.
It’s time to successfully complete the journal’s review process now that the submission has been accepted.
After the Initial round review, the journal proceeds for the full paper review. This may take 15 to 60 days.
The editorial board or reviewing committee will designate one or more peer reviewers to read through your article, point out errors, and request specific revisions as part of the review process.
Some journal even takes more time to review the paper.
Submit the Copyright form and other formalities.
After the acceptance of the paper if the paper is accepted the publisher asks about transferring the copyright form. If the journal has publication charges then you need to pay the charges after getting the acceptance from the journal.
Paper gets published.
After following all the above steps now your paper gets published and you will get a publication notification for the publisher.
Some important points you need to take care of.
- Open access journals are the most trending journals and as an author, you need to choose the Open access journals to publish your paper.
- The Journal’s review duration may take a long time.
- Some misconceptions about the journals are that open access journals are paid journals and they easily select the papers and publish them. This is absolutely wrong.
If you follow the above procedure about How to publish a research paper in Scopus then you will definitely succeed.